At present Moora Moora has about 50 members and residents who live here full-time. We are always welcoming new visitors and membership to those interested in community life.

Becoming a member of Moora Moora involves a process that can take up to two years. The first point of contact is often through attending a Visitor Day, held on the first Sunday of each month.
Interested visitors are then invited to become a ‘friend’ and participate in our co-op workdays, also held on the first Sunday of every month.
Potential members are asked to visit regularly to allow a deeper understanding of the various aspects of community living and to attend our Co-op and cluster Workdays, Directors’ and Community Meetings, and various social events before being eligible to apply for membership and residency.
Participation is essential in getting to know Moora Moora and our people and to become known in turn.
> Read our Membership Process to learn more about how to become a member and live at Moora Moora.
Contact Membership
The Membership Committee,
Moora Moora Cooperative Community
P.O. Box 214