Unfortunately, Moora Moora is not currently taking volunteers.
Moora Moora is a participant in the Willing Workers on Organic Farms (WWOOF) scheme. International and Australian members of the WWOOF scheme are welcome to stay at Moora Moora as guest workers.
You will have an opportunity to work with members and residents of the community, to experience and observe our lifestyle, and to enjoy our Australian bush environment.

WWOOFs stay in our spacious community Lodge with all amenities such as TV, radio, internet, hot showers, cooking facilities and warm fires. The nearby tennis court, trampoline, swimming dam and open space can be enjoyed in leisure time.
Typically, WWOOFs work with members in their gardens and vegetable plots and in collecting firewood. They may also assist with maintenance work on the co-op farm and on facilities such as roads, water supplies, buildings and forest walking trails. When possible WWOOFs will be able to participate in building projects and learn something of building with earth and straw-bale.
Moora Moora accepts WWOOFs between the months of October and May. From June 1 until October 1, we refrain from accepting WWOOFs because the weather is too wet and cold.
Please note that Moora Moora only offers these work arrangements to registered members of the Wwoof scheme. WWOOF Australia